To the Universe, 365 days is nothing but a breath in an Immortal life.
photo: The Helix Nebula - The Eye of God
Today is the day before my birthday.
365 days ago I walked out of my job, walked in to the doctor's office and began my journey to a new place. It's hard to believe it was only a year ago. We spend so much of our time focused on the past or looking into the future that we forget to live today.
There is a very big difference between living
through your life and actually living it. Something amazing happens when you begin to actively live your life, when you become involved and make decisions.
I have spent a long time living through my past experiences, I saw my whole life through them. Everything I ever did, any way I ever reacted, always came back to my past experiences. Things like, I freak out when I feel threatened because I lived for so long in an environment where I always had to be ready to defend myself. It's about time that I put those patterns of thinking away. It's fine to use something like that as a form of realization but not as a reason, if I find myself saying it more than once, I know that I have an issue. I must realize that although at one time I did live in a place where I had to be on the ready all of the time, I don't live there anymore. I can lose my temper with my kids and say when I was a child that is how it was in my house, but I no longer live in that house and I am no longer a child so it doesn't make sense to do that anymore.
If a an abused child grows up to be a serial killer is it excusable because that child was hurt? Does the responsibility lie solely with that child or are there others who need to share it?
Just because people were mean to me when I was growing up does that give me permission to do the same to others? Of course not, but we use these reasons to justify what we do even if we know it's wrong, I think it makes it easier to deal with.
For so long when I looked at myself in the mirror I saw a child, an angry, hurt child. It was recently that something amazing happened, I looked at myself and saw that child but I also saw me, as I am now, helping that child come to terms with the past and bring her into the now.
I will forever stand by the saying "Just because it feels bad doesn't mean it is bad." because it is the honest truth. It took a lot of seemingly bad things to happen in my life to bring me to where I am today. God knows what he's doing and I trust Him. We can't see the big picture, we only see what we allow ourselves to see. I think it's time to step back and stop trying to see the whole picture and just admire what you do see. We spend far too much time focused on what we are doing that we miss everything that is happening.
365 days truly is a long time if you live in it and with it every day, not watching it go by.
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