What is it that makes me feel so strange? I don't feel bad really, nor do I feel good. I think that I'm frustrated, but I can't really tell. I know how funny that sounds but sometimes I just don't know what feeling I'm feeling. It's very obviously not a good feeling, otherwise I'd be happy right?
I can feel that "thing" starting, the self deprecating thing.
It started about a year ago, I would feel this "thing" and know that something was happening but I never knew what it was. Then one day while I was at work I blew up. I worked in a pharmacy, it was very busy and very cramped. There were people waiting for their prescriptions nicely, while others bore holes into the back of my head with death eyes, and the ones who weren't doing either of those things were yelling. Two people that day threatened suicide because I couldn't get them what they wanted me to. Others told me how stupid I was and how "you obviously didn't have to know much to do this job." It's not as though those things were out of place because that happened everyday but on this particular day I couldn't take it. My stomach was in knots, my heart was pounding, I could taste adrenaline and I wanted to cry.
I was trying to get information for a particularly irate customer who had been spewing demeaning comments as though he was an erupting crap mouthed volcano, but all three terminals I could have used were occupied so he continued to spew while I waited.
When I finally got to the information that I needed I cringed, I was so screwed. He brought in a prescription five hours ago and it still hadn't been processed, I was holding the hard copy in my hand. I can't even tell you how bad that sucked. I knew that there was no way that I could handle telling him that we had forgotten, so I turned to my co-workers and asked for help. I remember saying "I can't do this, please help me." but nobody listened, maybe I didn't say it loud enough, so they all went on telling stories and laughing while I stood there on the verge of disaster. I could feel my face getting hot. Again I said "I need someone to help me please." and this time one of them looked right at me, laughed and turned around to continue her conversation with another coworker.
I knew then that there was something terribly wrong inside of me and the first thing I did was pick up the phone and call my doctor. I needed help, desperately and not just with delivering bad news to the man who looks like he wants to kill me. There was something happening to me.
Finally I took the prescription into my hand, approached one of my coworkers and spoke directly to her. "I need help. This guy is really angry. I want to kill somebody so I'm going now." she laughed at me at first until I started to cry, suddenly everybody was listening to me.
"I'm going now." and I left and never went back.
That is the feeling I have now. Something is happening. The major difference is this time I know that God is doing something that is good for me. But that doesn't make it feel better.
This is definitely the hardest post so far.
wow Jess I so understand where ur coming from that feeling u have SUCKS a lot i have had that for a few days now and I dont like it, but as hard as it we have to keep our head up and keep going strong u are an AMZAING person and everyone that has u in their life is truly blessed and u are so toatally AWESOMENESS <3